
What is Spirulina?

Spirulina is blue-green algae, a cyanobacteria suitable for consumption by both humans and animals. It’s known as Arthrospira Platensis in scientific world, and called Spirulina because of its spiral shape.

Spirulina mostly used as a dietary supplements, providing a natural boost to energy, supporting immune function, and promoting overall well-being, while also being explored for potential sustainable food and feed sources.

The blue-green color of spirulina is due to its rich content of photosynthetic pigments like chlorophyll and phycocyanin, which play vital roles in capturing light energy for photosynthesis.

Spirulina can be cultivated in controlled environments, requiring minimal land and water resources, making it a potential sustainable source of nutrition for the future.

Spirulina’s unique biochemical composition makes it a subject of scientific research for various applications, including space travel and sustainable nutrition solutions.

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Nutritional Content of Spirulina

Uses of Spirulina:

Spirulina tablets

Dietary Supplement:

Spirulina is widely consumed as a dietary supplement, either in powder or tablet form, to complement nutrient intake and promote overall health.

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Superfood in Culinary Preparations:

It can be incorporated into smoothies, salads, energy bars, and other culinary creations, providing a natural nutritional boost.

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Natural Food Coloring:

The vibrant blue-green color of spirulina is used as a natural food coloring in various food and beverage products.

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Functional Foods:

Spirulina-infused products, such as energy drinks and snacks, offer a nutritious twist to convenience foods.

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Aquaculture and Animal Feed:

Spirulina is utilized as feed for aquaculture, livestock, and poultry, enhancing their nutritional content.

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Due to its ability to absorb heavy metals, spirulina is explored for potential use in treating polluted water bodies.

Gram for gram, spirulina could be the most nutritious and well-rounded food on the planet, which stores almost indefinitely.
Gabriel Cousens

Nutritional Comparison Of Spirulina:


More Iron Than Spinach


More Chlorophyll A Than Wheatgrass


More Beta Carotene Than Carrots


More Calcium Than Milk


More Potassium Than Bananas


More GLA Than Evening Primrose Oil

Why Spirulina ?

Spirulina has multiple health benefits. It’s used by many pharmaceutical industries as well as food industries. Nutrigien Agrotech has developed their own range of products in food, beverages, and cosmetics.

Rich Nutritional Content:

Spirulina is a powerhouse of essential nutrients, including protein (60-70% of its weight), B vitamins (especially B12), iron, copper, and manganese, making it a valuable addition to a balanced diet.

Helps In Fat Loss:

Despite its nutritional richness, Spirulina is low in calories. Incorporating it into a diet may allow for nutrient-dense nourishment without adding substantial calories, assisting in weight management.

Antioxidant Properties:

Its vibrant color comes from antioxidants like beta-carotene, zeaxanthin, and phycocyanin, which help combat oxidative stress and protect cells from damage.

Immune System Support: 

Spirulina contains polysaccharides and proteins that can enhance immune responses, potentially aiding in defending the body against infections and illnesses.

Potential Anti-Inflammatory Effects: 

Studies suggest that the compounds in spirulina might have anti-inflammatory properties, which could be beneficial for managing chronic inflammatory conditions.

Cholesterol Management:

Some research indicates that spirulina may help lower LDL (“bad”) cholesterol levels and increase HDL (“good”) cholesterol levels, contributing to heart health.

Blood Sugar Regulation:

Spirulina might improve insulin sensitivity and help manage blood sugar levels, which can be beneficial for individuals with type 2 diabetes.


Chlorophyll in spirulina may aid in detoxifying the body by binding to and eliminating heavy metals and other toxins.

Muscle Endurance and Recovery:

Spirulina’s high protein content, coupled with its potential anti-inflammatory effects, could support muscle recovery and endurance, benefiting athletes and active individuals.

Fat Loss & Weight Management:

All the above benefits lead to fat loss and effective weight management if Spirulina is included in your diet. Some research has indicated that spirulina supplementation might increase fat oxidation during exercise. This means that the body might use more fat as fuel during physical activity, which could support fat loss efforts. 

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